Galveston City Council Candidate 2024 Q&A: Beau J. Rawlins Galveston City Council Candidate District 5 The Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce interviewed the city council and mayoral candidates about issues important to the business community and residents. This allowed candidates to voice their thoughts on issues important to their campaign. Each candidate was asked the same questions and given up to 2 minutes to provide their answers. Questions Asked Economic Development & Tourism Strategies: 1. The Galveston Wharves is a self-sustaining city entity and major economic engine for the community. How would you characterize the relationship between the Port and the City? And, how would you help ensure the Port remains competitive? 2. Do you agree with the Port’s Strategic Master Plan, and the steps taken to achieve the plan? 3. Galveston has experienced a dramatic and continued growth in tourism. What do you see as the challenges and opportunities in tourism for the island? 4. As a member of city council, how would you improve the permitting process? Support for Small Businesses: 1. Would you be willing to pledge that you will not vote for any effort by City Council to increase net property taxes, or service fees, permit fees or any other taxes, fees or levies on the businesses & citizens of Galveston? Collaboration and Partnerships: 1. What do you feel is the biggest opportunity for Galveston? 2. What do you feel is the biggest challenge facing Galveston? Challenges and Solutions: 1. Tell us your thoughts on what has transpired between City Council and The Park Board over the last two years. Do you feel the Park Board is a subsidiary of the City of Galveston or is it a stand-alone entity that should maintain its independence. 2. Do you agree with and how would you ensure that one or more seats on the Park Board of Trustees are filled by representatives of the lodging sector who have tourism industry expertise? 3. What are your thoughts on the current 15% hotel occupancy tax rate imposed on lodging guests? Are you in favor of maintaining the current assessment or increasing the rate? If so, why? 1. **Collaboration and Support:** - As a member of city council, how would you collaborate with the Chamber of Commerce to support and promote local businesses? 3. **Engagement and Participation:** - How does the city council involve the Chamber of Commerce in the planning and implementation of economic development initiatives and new business opportunities?

Posted by i45NOW TJ Aulds at 2024-04-09 20:00:39 UTC